Disclaimer for Fertility Clinics:
The information given by this test is not intended to provide professional medical advice. The test does not indicate conclusively that the man whose semen has been tested is infertile or incapable of achieving a pregnancy naturally. Normal full-term pregnancies are still possible with higher levels of DNA damage although DNA damaged sperm are associated with a greater number of miscarriages.
The proprietors of this test can provide information upon which to make an informed decision but they cannot guarantee that a successful pregnancy will result from any treatment that is subsequently chosen. The test gives information as to those treatments which have the highest level of success potential for a successful pregnancy with sperm DNA damage. Both partners can contribute to a couples’ infertility. The usefulness of any test for one partner is dependant of the fertility of the other partner too. Individuals should consult with their fertility doctor about these results in the overall picture of their infertility diagnosis and treatment options for them and their partners.
Disclaimer for individual couples:
The information given by this test is not intended to provide professional medical advice. The test does not indicate conclusively that you are infertile or incapable of achieving a pregnancy naturally. Normal full-term pregnancies are still possible with higher levels of DNA damage although DNA damaged sperm are associated with a greater number of miscarriages.
The proprietors of this test can provide you with information upon which to make an informed decision but they cannot guarantee that a successful pregnancy will result from any treatment which you choose. Thetest gives information as to those treatments which have the highest level of success potential for a successful pregnancy with sperm DNA damage. Both partners can contribute to a couples’ infertility. The usefulness of any test for one partner is dependant of the fertility of the other partner too. You should consult with your clinician/ doctor about these results in the overall picture of your infertility diagnosis and treatment options for you and your partner.